Red Rose Mixed Bouquet
Red Rose Mixed Bouquet
Red Rose Mixed Bouquet
A breathtaking symphony of love, this luxurious Valentine’s bouquet features velvety large-headed red roses, symbolising deep passion. Elegant five-headed oriental lilies add a touch of grace, while delicate pink spray roses bring a soft, romantic charm. Pure white large-headed roses offer timeless beauty, complemented by striking purple allium for a unique, modern twist. Fresh eucalyptus weaves throughout, adding texture and a refreshing scent. Perfect for expressing love in the most beautiful way.
A breathtaking symphony of love, this luxurious Valentine’s bouquet features velvety large-headed red roses, symbolising deep passion. Elegant five-headed oriental lilies add a touch of grace, while delicate pink spray roses bring a soft, romantic charm. Pure white large-headed roses offer timeless beauty, complemented by striking purple allium for a unique, modern twist. Fresh eucalyptus weaves throughout, adding texture and a refreshing scent. Perfect for expressing love in the most beautiful way.
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